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Valle Arts CD's
  Babboo Shadows CD   forevermore CD   jap_Sketches CD
Price: $15.00
  Bamboo Shadows
Price: $15.00
Price: $15.00
  Japanese Sketches
Price: $15.00
Pianoforte combines gentle and contemplative originals with stirring Spanish Rhapsodies to speak to your soul.   Bamboo Shadows is a collection of beautiful Japanese folk songs with Flute and Harp accompanying the poet reading his original Haiku poetry.   Forevermore is a collection of original love poems exquisitely accompanied by the piano of Eloise Wolf.   An amalgamation of original japanese musical sketches and haiku poetry form to make this unique CD.
rhapsody CD  
sw2sea CD
  reflections4pno CD   enchantment CD
Price: $15.00
  From the Southwest to the Sea
  Reflections for Piano
Price: $15.00
Price: $15.00
Melodious Nocturnes and bold Rhapsodies combine to create a satisfying listening experience.   This CD creates a bold soundscape of nature sounds with the moving nature poetry of Charles Valle as read by the Author.   Reflections for Piano is a contemplative, reflective collection of solo piano works.   Like the title - Enchantment will enchant you with its beautiful original love songs featuring tenor Charles Valle and moving piano accompaniment.